Purina Petcare Moments

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Memorial Moments For Animal Lovers From Purina Petcare

In a stress-filled world, it is heartwarming when major corporations take the time to produce commercials that promote good pet health care. At Purina, they bring the message home, and to work, through some of the best moments in advertising history and unconventional places. Here are a few of the most recent ones to remember and activities they support.

The Puppyhood commercial started on YouTube and quickly went viral as a dude out shopping heard a puppy whimper. The camera shows him looking down at the puppy and convincing himself he should adopt her.
Love at first sight is the only way to describe how they instantly bonded, and the commercial shows their interaction through learning …show more content…

After all, the vacuum cleaner eats multiple items at the same time it is inhaling. Other advice includes what room is best for prolonged petting and cuddle time.

Boss the Corgi introduced viewers to the song "I Get Beggin" with the
Purina product Beggin' Strips. He sits patiently waiting while the
Pop Up lid launches yet another of these delicious doggie treats.
Boss became an international hit, and so did the product.

Purina also proves their determination to maintaining good Petcare health through plenty of exercises and hold their “Olympic-style” doggy events. All dogs of any breed and size participate in competitive tasks that include jumping to catch items, and fetching them from large amounts of water.

Purina started the Take Your Dog to Work Day more than 17 years ago and they continued to allow their employees to bring their dogs to work, every day. In doing so, they find that the dogs are healthier from the additional exercise gained while playing with the other dogs.
Their company policy makes it easier for their pet owners to walk their dogs during lunch hour, as well.

Purina continues their belief in optimal health and their