Puritanism In Paradise Lost And John Milton's Satan And Man

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Satan and man, not the typical duo. Usually when people think of these two, how they are alike is not something that typically crosses their mind. They are always thought of as complete opposites. John Milton wrote Paradise Lost at the peak of Puritanism during the Enlightenment period. Paradise Lost is an epic biblical poem about the fall of man and Satan. It focuses on Satan’s viewpoint of the fall. In Paradise Lost, Satan and man can be easily compared and contrasted with each other as evidenced by their disobedience, free will, relationship with God, and how God treated them. Satan and man appear to be impeccable opposites, however, they exhibit surprising similarities between them. To begin, this paper will start with the similarities. Satan and man both disobeyed God. Satan’s defiance was brought up by his jealousy of Jesus and his desire to equal God. His defiance is shown in lines 36-40, “...what time his pride / Had cast him out from Heaven.” Satan resented God and planned to ruin mankind. He deceived Adam and Eve out of envy and his want for revenge, which led to their disobedience. With man, Adam and Eve broke God’s one rule: do not eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Their disobedience is shown in lines 1-3, “...man’s first disobedience, and the fruit of that forbidden tree… / Brought death into the world.” This led to their fall from Eden and they knew death, sin, and suffering for their punishment. However, Satan and man have other similarities between them.