Pursuing Happiness By Matthew Parfitt And Dawn Skorczewski

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The first reading of the first chapter of the book Pursuing Happiness, edited by Matthew Parfitt and Dawn Skorczewski introduces to different parts of the book of Psalms. I have done my research using different sources to understand more about this antique text. In the following paragraphs I will discuss the structure and the authorship of the five different sections of the book of Psalms.
The book of Psalms is one of the largest book in the Bible, it is divided into five sections of divine songs, in over all, this book contains one hundred and fifty chapters. This book is composed of “parallel thoughts or expressions.” What is interesting from this book is that every chapter ends with an “ending with a blessing pronounced on God.” The style of this poetic book, not only makes us meditate on what is being read but creates an inspirational effect. This book has been originally in the old language of Hebrew. Well now in days, in the English alphabet is composed of twenty-six letters unlike the Hebrew language which only has …show more content…

The third book starts from chapter seventy-three to eighty-nine. As I mentioned before, the same authors wrote this section, except chapters eighty-eight and eighty-nine were written by Heman and Ethan. Heman and Ethan were two out of the four wise men chosen by King Solomon. They come from the Judah tribe, and not only they were singers but they were also cymbalist.
Furthermore, the fourth book is the shortest book, it contains fifteen chapters. In this book there is three authors involved Moses, David, and the “Orphans of Psalms”. Chapters ninety to one hundred and four teaches us the many beautiful qualities that God has. One of them is found 104:24, which talks about all what God has created demonstrates the wisdom that He has. I found the fourth book really interesting, the poetic words that are demonstrates how powerful God