Pyrmont-Ultimo Industry Analysis

522 Words3 Pages

Geography Assignment

R.A.P Report

Part A:

Describe the changes to industry that occurred in Pyrmont - Ultimo area since the early 1900’s
How has the the Pyrmont - Ultimo industry changed since 1900?

The Pyrmont-Ultimo area has gone through some significant changes since it started. Not only has it gone through urban decline, but also urban growth and renewal. Before there was urban decline there was urban growth. Pyrmont - Ultimo developed in to a central area for export businesses and industry and brought up many employment opportunities which brought in many blue collar workers. In 1900 the population had risen to 19,000 and had become an established city and it was at this point pyrmont was at its premier point. During WWII between 1939 and 1945 the …show more content…

In the 19th century Pyrmont - Ultimo was one of the busiest shipping and industrial areas in Australia. After Urban decay occurred the government decided to redevelop pyrmont - Ultimo and they are glad they did. Industrial buildings, factories and ports became residential area, restaurants, bars and casinos. All of the blue collared workers left along with the industry but then came white collared workers with more jobs being created and more places to live. The government spent a total of $1.5 billion dollars was spent in the renewal of pyrmont - Ultimo. This was important because Sydney held the olympics in 2000 and we wouldn't want the world to think Sydney was a slum. Urban renewal also had a big impact on the human environment. With the redevelopment the population had risen immensely and if the area hadn't been renewed would the Pyrmont - Ultimo area be full of people like it is today?. The suburb is growing younger as 48% of the population is between the age of 20 and 34. Affordable housing has a also changed the demographics by bringing people such as young couples no kids have a job in the area and have a comfortable

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