Industrialization DBQ

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Time and time again people wonder if Industrialization had a greater negative or positive effect. Although Industrialization brought many good things for everyday lives, it also had negative effects. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily positive consequences for society because new job and job opportunities, it was actually a negative thing for society. Industrialization’s negative effects were children not being educated due to child labor, long working hours, and unsafe working conditions. People argue that Industrialization had positive consequences for society because new jobs and job opportunities. “In an excerpt from a letter written by a sixteen year old Lowell Mill girl to her father expressing her satisfaction …show more content…

More jobs are opened and more people are employed. She recommends girls to come work at Lowell. The recommendation supplies new job opportunities, for girls who want a place to work. “A picture of an Early Industrial Plant shows how towns surrounded factories and the growth of cities” (Document 3). Due to the formulation of factories, people were employed to work in them. Thus, leading the way for more job opportunities. Factories led to urbanization, the movement from rural areas to urban areas. With more factories in the town people didn’t have to travel as far or as much. “A graphic shows different methods of manufacturing and scrutinizes how many cars one person can produce in eight hours to how many cars five people can produce in eight hours” (Document 4). Different methods of manufacturing allowed room for more work opportunities. In order for assembly lines to work more efficiently people were employed. “A quote regarding the impact of railroads shows a positive effect in the improvement of travel” (Document 5). In order to improve travel, railroads needed to be built; as a result new job opportunities arose. Many people were hired to build …show more content…

. “A quote regarding the positive impact of railroads” (Document 5). In order to create railroads people were needed to build them. Some railroads stretched as far as San Francisco to New York. This meant people spent long hours working on these railroads; they could have been working in terrible working condition. Working in terrible conditions could be very unsafe. “C: Explain what you had to do. B: When the frames are full, they have to stop the frames, and take the full bobbins off, and carry them to the roller, and then put empty ones on, and set the frame going again” (Document 7). This is a lot of responsibility for a child, and adults too. If the job isn’t done correctly there can be possible injuries. “C: Does that keep you constantly on your feet? B: Yes, there are so many frames and they run so quick …” ( Document 7). In order for children to do this they had to be quick and skilled. Harm could come to a child if it was done incorrectly. “C: It is very common to have weak ankles and crooked knees? B: Yes, very common indeed” (Document 7). Being deformed due to work is unsafe. It is not a normal thing for people to be deformed due to work. These are just a few negatives of