Qiu Jin Women

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Today when you think about the rights of men and women, they are reasonably similar. Even though there are some differences, equality still exists. Throughout the 1900's women were still being treated unfairly. Women had rules that they had to obey. Women were being denied basic rights, and in places where women had some type of equality they were still being denied equal work opportunities. Some women stood up against the abuses and unfair treatments. Qiu Jin of China was one of the few feminists who gave a voice to the women of China, and Bahithat al-Badiya of Egypt stood up for equal working opportunities for women. These two women influenced the movement for women’s right in the early 1900's. In 1904 Chinese feminist Qiu Jin spoke out …show more content…

She also expressed deep concerns for the well-being of the nation if the poor treatment of their women persisted. She urged that her fellow country women be proactive towards the advancement of China. "We shall put aside the past and work hard for the future" She asked of her fellow country women. She also preached to the young girls of china to educate themselves if the opportunity arises, and to study and read at home if they could not go to school. She warns that if the women fail to take initiative, it would be at the cost of a destroyed …show more content…

Most women lives were dictated by men from birth. Most men preferred boys and female babies were seen as useless. Some men would go as far as killing their baby girls because they were not seen as equals to boys. Most men believed that female babies were worthless and would eventually become someone else’s property. From birth, women would suffer from gruesome traditional practices. One of them was foot binding. Foot binding was the custom of binding a young girls feet to prevent it from growing. At a very young age, some fathers would forcibly binds their daughters feet until the flesh would rot and the bones would break. The main purpose of that was to prevent a girls feet from growing and allowing her to have small feet. Women with small feet were celebrated in China. On her wedding day, the father of the bride would get compliments for having a daughter with such small and delicate feet. That was just one of the many cultural traditions women had to endure in China. The women of China had no voice. They were not allowed to choose or speak for

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