Qualitative Lecture Method

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Qualitative Data
I have also collected some lived experiences (reflections) and suggestions to improve the effectiveness of lecture method through open ended questions. I requested to all participants but only eleven research participants (9.2%) voluntarily responded by writing on provided one blank paper. Those reflections and suggestions are presented below as it is. However, to maintain the confidentiality of the research participants and to be ethically correct the original personal information of those respondents are not presented and hence given the fruits pseudonym as “Apple”, “Apricot”, “Avocado”, “Banana”, “Butternut”, “Cherry”, “Clementine”, “Elderberry”, “Grape”, “Guava”, and “Strawberry”.
Respondent “Apple”
In the 90's, most …show more content…

We learned them all by lecture and heart, and at any time he could point at one of us and ask for a specific list of endings. Because of all that repetition and listening, I can still remember the entire list thirty five years later.
My suggestions for improvement of lecture method are: firstly, deliver the lecture on the ground of students goals and academic background and secondly start the lecture session by reviewing the crux points for last class. Respondent “Avocado”
I agree with the relevancy of lecture method. But lecture method itself may not be the best way to understand the concepts behind a complex subject that we have today in our curriculums. However, I have to say that having some things listened and rehearsal ahead of time did help us figure out more challenging aspects of the theories, concepts and …show more content…

So, the important thing is how you deliver the lectures in the classroom on what nature of topic? If we chose the right topic and strategy than lecture method would be a key teaching method for higher level students. Learners can get the enjoyable experience from the lecture methods.
I would suggest three key points that help to increase the meaningfulness of lecture method. The first is attract the students’ attention and interest on contents. Secondly, allow the students to ask question and critiques. Thirdly, summarize the every topic after the lecture on specific issue or topic.
Respondent “Guava”
I always have the set of notes when I plan to teach through lecture method. I normally spend a lot of time writing those notes. I have a good structure to the lecture like what I am going to do, a detail activities in lecture. I also set some quizzes based on that day's lesson and test the students. I often give feedback to students. I create the classroom environment so that I can test my learners as well as how well I am doing in the classroom.
To improve the efficiency of lecture method I suggest: be enthusiastic instructor, emphasize key points, blend the lecture with discussion and move around the class.