Qualitative Research Proposal

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This chapter addresses the research methodology and procedures used to explore the research problem. The purpose of the study is to explore the impact of lecturer’s negative attitude on the student academic achievement studying at the institute of Venda. The key elements are: research approach, research design, target population, sampling and sampling technique , research instruments, data collection methods, pre-testing data analysis techniques, trustworthiness and ethical considerations.
3.2. Research approach

Qualitative research approach is defined as an approach that answers questions regarding the complex nature of the actions with the purpose of describing and understanding human behavior (De Vos, Strydom, Fouche, & Delport, 2011). Therefore, a qualitative research approach was appropriate in that the research aimed at finding in-depth understanding of the impact of lecturers’ negative attitude on students’ academic achievement.
3.3. Research design

According to Mouton (1996, p. 175) the aim of research design is to assist with planning, organizing and completing the research. Which ensures the sincerity of the findings. Jackson (2009) further explained that descriptive research methods simply describes the situation, and it is used when the study wish to describe specific behavior as it occurs within the environment. Thus, the study used descriptive research design to describe to the audience what was grasped, felt, and heard.
The study