
Individual Values: My Personal Philosophy Of Nursing

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Philosophy of Nursing In regards to my own individual values, working at the institution of Lawrence General Hospital has aided in my beliefs and values. This is because the hospital has a similar set of ideas as myself. Quality care is huge, especially within a healthcare setting, everyone should try to attain their best work in order to promote the absolute best possible patient outcomes. Patient complications would increase dramatically and cause other potential patient health related problems if quality care was not implemented in nursing practice. Integrity is necessary to build a positive patient and health care provider relationship. Integrity allows for the patient, family members, and healthcare providers to all be at the same level …show more content…

This could be in relation to physical wellness or mental health. Whereas the term illness has the complete opposite meaning as health. This term indicates that an individual has been diagnosed with a disease or has had a period of sickness which could be affecting either the body or mind, or both. All individuals are striving for overall health and well-being and are trying to avoid any kinds of illness throughout their lives.
Recipients of Care: Right or Privilege? Health care should be available to everyone throughout the world. Unfortunately, however certain areas even within our country have greater opportunity to be seen quicker due to proximity, insurance coverage, and income. Other countries lack the resources and health care personnel completely for treatment or regular physical health checkups. In my opinion health care should be a universal right for all individuals of the human race, however it is more of a privilege mainly based on location.
Roles of Professional Nursing in Health …show more content…

Within the nursing world, organizational skills and stress management are huge. Staying on top of tasks that are time critical as well as holding yourself in check are two components of every day nursing that need to be dealt with regularly. Most people in society deem nurses to be kind and compassionate and hold great deal of dedication and patience. It is important to not lose these traits, because they identify the types of individuals working within this professional practice. Nurses need to be extremely observant and pay attention to very minute detail in order to ensure their patient’s safety and well-being. If something just does not seem right, nurses are taught to speak up, be responsible, and advocate for their patients. A great deal of critical thinking is required to be a successful professional nurse.
Future of the Profession As the baby boomer generation is starting to retire from the nursing profession, there will be an increased shortage and demand for nurses within the next decade or so. Medical practices and protocols are constantly changing and new evidence based practice guidelines are being implemented. Nurses must take it upon themselves to adapt to new situations, protocols, and equipment in order to provide the best possible care to their patients.

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