
Quebecois Distinct Nation By Theresa Klein

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Quebecois “Distinct Nation” by Theresa Klein Throughout history many nations that have a powerful, shared sense of identity, but never acquired their own state or sovereign entity. I chose to write a profile of the Quebecois in
Canada as a testimony to what type of national conflicts can arise in regards to the quest for independence. I visited Quebec, Canada in 1984, and at the time, as it now, a very peaceful place. Firstly, Quebecois is another word for the French-speaking natives of the Canadian province of Quebec, Canada. Similarly, many conflicts began because of the Quebecois wish for a state and their existence of people within Canadian borders. This want is due to the nationalism of
Quebec. They are …show more content…

Consequently, the Quebecois are seeking to separate from Canada to form a nation-state where they are internationally recognized and become a sovereign government. The Canadians government re-established Quebec French civil law, guaranteed the free practice of the Catholic faith, and returned the territories before the Treaty of Paris. The
Loyalists divided the Province of Quebec into two identities; Upper Canada and Lower
Canada. The Quebecois did not have a state or nation-state due to the boundaries beset between them and the rest of Canada. Philippe Couillard became leader of the Liberal Party of Quebec in
2013. In addition, Pierre Trudeau of the liberal party of Canada advocated an increased role for
French-speaking Canadians. His goals were to enforce public policy in the federal government with regards to bilingualism. In 1987, the Prime Minister Mulroney recognized Quebec as a “Distinct
Society” within Canada. This determined the independent status of Quebec and they named the area around Quebec City the Capital Nationale and renamed the province parks Parc Nationale. …show more content…

The Quebecois live in urban areas next to the Saint Lawrence River between Montreal and Quebec City, the capital. An estimated fifty percent of Quebec residents dwell in the Greater
Montreal Area, including the Island of Montreal. The English-speaking communities and English- language institutions are mainly west of the island of Montreal. The Nord-du-Québec region, occupying the northern half of the province, is primarily by Aboriginal people. Quebecois live in
Quebec City, Canada and surrounding communities where they predominantly speak French. They are pushing for a statehood and at the same they reject it. The movement for Quebec separation has been long and ongoing since the 1960’s quite revolution took place. Since the
Québécois form a nation within Canada, they do not form an independent nation. The majority of Quebec wish to stay in Canada, and the province shouldn’t secede against the majorities’ wishes. Most groups within Canada seek to gain independence through peaceful measures, although some groups have advocated and used violent means. Thus, Quebec federalists argue for autonomy, whereas Quebec sovereignties, mostly with the Parti Quebecois, argued for

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