Quebec's Foster Care: A Case Study

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Foster Children in Quebec’s Foster Care
In 2013, Quebec social workers had 80540 reports of abuse for the whole Quebec children population, of which 31948 were investigated. Some reports did not fall under the category of abuse or neglect and consequently did not require an intervention. Conversely, there are issues with foster care which are getting worse and hurting the children in care.
There are now more children in foster care and not enough families to look after them. In 2014, Quebec had 5744 foster families and 8523 children and adolescents in foster care. Since there are not enough foster homes, children are overcrowded in the available houses.
Some of the children need the undivided attention of the families and when …show more content…

Sometimes, they do not share the same language which creates further barriers and hardships for the children. In 2011, Quebec 0-15 years old population was comprised of 2.7% of aboriginal children but they represented 15.4% of the children in foster care, 42% of these aboriginal foster children lived in a non-aboriginal foster household. These children were not just rooted out of their homes, they also had to face some type of culture shock.
Social workers need to firmly apply the rules on overcrowding. Individual needs should not be drowned in those of other foster children. These children need attention and care, it should take priority.
Culture match needs to take precedence in the foster care system. It would help ease their adaptation of foster children to their new environment. It would make it easy for the children and foster parents to connect.
They need to prioritize kinship care and make foster homes a last resort. This will allow children to remain in a comfortable environment. At least in kinship care, they are placed under the care of someone they already know and are comfortable with. This makes their transition

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