Queen Elizabeth 1 Informative Speech

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England the birthday place of many talented artist, queens, and kings like Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth 1, and King Henry Vll. Who wants to find out who is the longest ruling Queen of England is? Yeah, you heard me, a queen and not a king. Queen Elizabeth ruled England for 44 years! She's important in history because she changed the course of history by killing her cousin, which by the way a friend of mine in the same history class as me is doing......@Brenna Riley Mayberry. Anyways if Queen Elizabeth wasn't born during that time in the 1500s, then Mary Queen Of Scots would still be alive during the 1500s. Queen Elizabeth 1, born on September 7, 1533 in Greenwich England. She was not recognized as a lawful offspring thought political scheming, but even with all the evil scheming, she took the throne at the age of 25 and not to mention it, but she held the throne for 44 years. The queen kept England in power through wars, political and religious confusion. In Elizabeth's early life, she lost her mother when she was 2. Her mom died under the orders of her husband, Henry Vll, which is Elizabeth's father. Not before long, Elizabeth and her cousin Mary were declared illegitimate. In 1537, Henry Vll's third wife Jane Seymoor, gave birth to his male heir named Edward. Elizabeth was …show more content…

Many know her for a Queen that supported her people, killing her cousin, and defeating the Spanish Armanda, but killing her cousin Mary was her most important contribution in history because Mary the Queen of Scots was also an important figure in history and you will know more about her when you read my friends essay...... @Brenna Riley Mayberry. Anyways back to Elizabeth, she never liked fighting and she still held the throne for 44 years! Forty four years is a lot and we are talking about 16,071 days of staying in power and keeping England in power through wars, political and religious