Queen Elizabeth 1 Research Paper

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The ‘Virgin’ Queen
What's the principle reason at the back of the Queen’s virginity?
“I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too,” 1 indicates Elizabeth I. There were patterns of female monarchs who weren’t successful in England – Empress Matilda (Lady of the English) and Elizabeth’s sister; Mary I (also known as ‘Bloody Mary’). Elizabeth I was the first genuinely successful female monarch 2. She acknowledges that her body may not be that of a king, but that she feels inside like a strong ruler, quite simple like a king. By differentiating between a king and a king of England, Elizabeth puts herself above the princes of Europe, but at the same time making the people …show more content…

She negatively perceived love and marriage because it led to the axe, as it did with her mother Anne Boleyn, and Catherine Howard 7. Elizabeth did not want to be ruled by her husband, and therefore she remained unattainable 8. She thought that if she stayed in control of her relationship, she would also stay in control of her country 9. A woman rejecting marriage was seen as defying the laws of nature, but Elizabeth was only concerned with the rule and dominance she had as the headship of England 10. It has been argued that the reason for her singleness was rooted in religious conservatism, but by more extensive evidence, it is more clearly shown that she was only concerned with her country’s well being. Wives were expected to be submissive and obedient to the husband, which did not appeal to the Queen 11. Elizabeth did not want to lose her newly gained freedom, which she had never had before. Her childhood years were dominated with rule from her father, and stepmothers 12.
There were other, deeper reasons for Elizabeth's reluctance to marry, chief of which, historians believe, was her fear of losing her independence as Queen 13. In the 16th century, a sovereign was regarded as holding supreme dominion over the state, while a husband was deemed to hold supreme dominion over his wife 14. Elizabeth knew that marriage and motherhood would bring some erosion of her power. "I will have but one …show more content…

She had caught a chill after walking out in the cold winter air, and complained of a sore throat as well as aches and pains. "I am not well" she declared, but refused the administrations of her doctors. It was the opinion of her peers that she would have recovered from this illness if she had fought against it, but she did not want to. She was old, she was tired, and she was lonely. Weary of life, she was ready to slip into the world where all those she had loved had gone before her. It was clear to all of those around that the great Queen was dying. A few weeks later she died. Queen Elizabeth I was given a great funeral at Westminster Abbey in London. This was the same place that her coronation took place. Her tomb was decorated cheerfully with gems and stones. Her tomb is at the Westminster Abbey and can still be visited today. After her death, people named her time of reign "The Golden Age". Her people remembered and recognized all of the things that this great Queen had done to make her country powerful and successful. Elizabeth I had proved to the people that a woman could be a strong and inspiring leader on her own. During her life she was eager to show them that a woman alone could be just as good as a man. During the Spanish Armada she told her army, "I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king. 18" In the end, Queen Elizabeth I did prove that she,