Questions # 2-PICK One Of The Following Ways Of Studying Religion

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Question# 2 - PICK ONE of the following ways of studying religion. Explain what it is and how it can help you study religion: (Philosophy)
At the point when I first took a look at the relationship between religion and philosophy, I thought that it was less demanding to clarify the distinctions as opposed to the likenesses. This for the most part includes a significant measure of exploration on the current theme. Be that as it may, the meanings of religion and philosophy just brought up more issues for me. It was intriguing how the clarifications contrasted significantly from creator to creator.

The least difficult definition states, "Religion is the state of being grasped by an ultimate concern, a concern which qualifies all other concerns as preliminary and which itself contains the answer and question of the meaning of our life.(pg 5, Paul Tillich)". Another more broad definition read, " Religion center upon an awareness and response to a reality that transcends ourselves and our world whether the 'direction' of transcendence be beyond or within or both...this object is characterized more generally as a cosmic power, or more specifically as a personal God. ( pg 7, John Hick)." …show more content…

Religion can't be characterized as something with a one settled importance. It is interesting to practically every person. Now and again it can be impossible to understand not quite the same as its embrace society. So, it is anything but difficult to see why it has brought on such a variety of uncertain world issues. Religion has existed the length of people could think and consider. The most important part of individuals have dependably trusted that there is a higher force or a perfect being that controls the occasions that happen in our

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