Problems In Emaseo City

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According to the figures of “EMASEO”, in Quito each inhabitant of the city produces approximately 0.85 kg of waste. Consequently, per month in Quito has produced 2.000 tons of waste. It means that in about two months, we can fill of waste all the Atahualpa stadium. The garbage on the streets is a serious problem because in winter, when it rains almost daily the rubbish accumulates in the sinks and it causes floods. Moreover, when you throw any litter on the streets, you contribute to global warming, because that little garbage increases pollution in the city. In Quito more than 1100 people work in “Empresa Pública Metropolitana de Aseo” – “EMASEO”. These hardworking people work daily to keep the city clean, but sometimes when many people do …show more content…

For that reason, is too important to reflect about our actions and the problems that you cause with the irresponsible act of littering on the streets. With the purpose of teaching some people to respect this beautiful city, I propose to implement some fines. The people who throw the garbage on the streets and who take out the trash whenever you want, must pay two basic salaries to the municipality of Quito. Then, with the money of the fines EMASEO can buy a new trash can and containers on the street. Is important to take care of our city, because Quito depends on the tourism. Is well-known that Quito is one of the most recognized and visited in Latin America. Not only the popular places in Quito must be clean, is important that all the city be clean for give a better experience to the foreign people. On the other hand, personally I think we must learn from an early age not to throw garbage on the street. If all we know this rule, it would be easier to keep the city clean. Thus, we do not expect that just the people who clean keep the city clean. It is also our work to keep clean Quito because is our home and the place where our children and family