Quotes In Fahrenheit 451, By Ray Bradbury

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For two of my qoutes I decided to take them from some of my favorite books. I Chose my first quote,taken from Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, because Fahrenheit 451 was for the most part my first step into classic literature and has inspired me to continue reading and striving to know more about literature and novels and the many worlds contained within their pages. I’ve always found this quote especially inspirational considering how much I want to travel as I get older in order to experience the world in as many ways as possible. The quote was taken from my favorite part of Fahrenheit 451, as the protagonist learned of the world and people long forgotten by the new era of technology, he began to realise what the world had lost when it began burning books and art and that we need such things to have depth in our lives.

My second quote was from one of my long time favorite books, the perks of being a wallflower. I thought it was appropriate to have a quote from a coming of age story in a report about me growing into the person I am today. One of the main things I enjoyed about The Perks of Being a Wallflower was the way that people were portrayed as being imperfect and that everyone had their flaws, all things that I thought my quote encompassed. The final quote I chose is, for the most part, a saying for …show more content…

Catherine and I will continue to grown in many ways in highschool and beyond. My early years at St. Catherine were spent joyfully playing with my friends and becoming closer to my classmates. Some of my favorite memories relate to spending time talking to my friends after school and exploring the campus while at extended care. As I’ve grown older I’ve learned about myself as a person and about what it feels like to be a close community with my classmates and friends. As I’ve grown closer to my classmates I began to realise my own aspirations and goals in life and just how hard I would have to work to achieve

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