Quotes That Show Odysseus Loyalty

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In the Odyssey, Odysseus is a particularly loyal character. Although Odysseus has taken part in affairs with both Calypso and Circe, he ultimately knows that he has to return home to his wife. While trapped on the island with Calypso, Odyssey becomes increasingly unhappy. Odyssey eventually becomes so unhappy that he cries on the beach and begs Calypso to let him return home. “He says the most unhappy man alive is living here... his eyes were always tearful... in longing to go back home.”(183,185) Even when Calypso offers Odysseus immortality if he stays with her, Odysseus still wants to go home to his wife. “you would stay here with me and be immortal”(187) This quote shows how Odysseus would rather go home to Penelope than have immorality and stay with a goddess. Odyssey’s longing to return home shows his loyalty towards Penelope. In the last books of the Odyssey, Odysseus’s loyalty is displayed by killing the suitors. “He has come home again. and he has taken revenge on all the suitors who abused him”(496) By killing the suitors, Odyseus is reclaiming his role while protecting his family. Another instance of Odysseus’s loyalty is seen when Penelope was hesitant to accept him, yet Odysseus remained patient and understanding.