Right To Health Analysis

1499 Words6 Pages

Sami Mesgun
RH Critical Analysis Study
The right to health as a human right asserts the right to health is a “fundamental part of our human rights and of our understanding of a life in dignity” (The Right to Health, 2008, p. 1). On one hand, the right to health is closely related to and dependent upon the realization of other human rights (Health & Human Rights, 2002). On the other hand, the enjoyment of other human rights such as the right to education and the right to active, free, and meaningful participation is closely related to the right to health, or—as articulated in international law—“the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health” (The Right to Health, 2008, p. 1). This paper aims to critically discuss the right to health as a human right using the available literature for comparative analysis. Subsequently, this paper will provide a reflection on the status of access to health care for Syrian refugees in Jordan.
The discussion begins with an explication of human rights. In its essence, human rights are legal guarantees of “protection of individuals and groups against actions that interfere with fundamental freedoms …show more content…

(Health & Human Rights, 2002, p. 28). The entry of non-citizens into a country can complicate a State’s commitments to respect, protect, and fulfill human rights, like the right to health, for non-citizens; however, the circumstances that led to migration in the first place must not serve as a pretext to deny a person his or her universal human rights. The Jordanian government remarkably continues to maintain the balance between responding to the humanitarian crisis in such a way that continues to respect, protect, and fulfill the right to human health for Syrian refugees, while attempting to address consequences that may have had an unintended negative effect on its