
Essay On Rachel Carson

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A Clear Change Many people have probably never heard of Rachel Carson or her amazing impact on the world. As a young girl she wrote many stories which later helped her write silent spring, which helped to get DDT, a dangerous poison used to kill bugs, banned. If Carson hadn’t written Silent Spring and hadn't helped get DDT banned many animals may have been endangered or extinct, which could have led up to the extinction of many more animals which could have affected the lives of humans. Rachel Carson was an amazing woman who made a huge impact because of her early life, writing journey, and impact. Even though Rachel Carson saved many lives in one way or another she came from very humble beginnings. Carson was born on May 27, 1907 in Springdale, …show more content…

When Carson was at a young age she began writing stories, they were about farm animals and they took on human qualities. In 1917 Carson’s brother went to war the letters he sent inspired Carson to write a story called A Battle in the Clouds. Carson wrote A Battle in the Clouds when she was only ten years old. “It described the heroism of a Canadian aviator whose plane is hit by German fire. So skillful and daring is this pilot in averting a crash that, out of respect, the Germans stop firing and let him land safety.” (Marty Jezer, 28). Whilst Carson was still in elementary school, she wrote two more stories, both receiving awards in St. Nicholas Magazine. One of them was summarized by Marty Jezer “It described the joyful reaction of a group of French soldiers when they learned that the United States has joined the Allied effort in WWI.” (Marty Jezer, 29). In 1962 Carson wrote Silent Spring which discriminated the use of pesticides (especially DDT which was later banned). It took Carson four years to write Silent Spring, after it was published may companies who created pesticides attacked Carson. By writing Silent Spring she made a huge impact. If she hadn't written Silent Spring the ecosystem could have messed

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