Racial Equality In Martin Luther King's I Have A Dream

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August 28, 1963, will be a day that will forever go down in history with America. Martin Luther King Jr. gave a speech claiming that even with the newly passed laws, known as Jim Crow Laws, the people were not all equal. He shows that there was social inequality when there should have been equality for all. Due to King’s speech, racial equality has come a long way in America. King’s speech was so effective that racial equality began to change starting on that day. Dr. King’s speech was effective because he appealed to the emotions of his audience, used credibility, backed his claims with logic and used strong figurative language. In his speech “I have a dream”, Dr. King makes strong appeals to pathos. King uses phrases such as “manacles of …show more content…

King used the Constitution and Declaration to provide logic into the situation. “When the architects of our Republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir.” (King). This was to give evidential documentation as an example to prove that by law the African-American community should be treated socially and racially equal. As King said, they were promised they “would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Not only was King effective in using the constitution and declaration to support his case he also used the American dream. King quotes America’s creed to support his case, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” King believed this to be “deeply rooted in the American dream.” With evidence that the injustice and inequality of the actions in his time were wrong and against American laws and dreams. This makes King’s speech much more effective because the people are more likely to change when realizing things have been wrong since the