Racial Inequality Essay

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Race is a scientific biologic treat that you gave by your parents. Usually the race is known by region of where there from. Certain distinguishing facts like skin color, and facial construction.

Ethnicity is more related on the culture of a region that defines the social category. Cultural traits which would be the following: religions, values, nationality, amenities customs, history, and languages.

The Dominic group would be most of the region which could be the race or ethnicity that exist in this society. Minority group of the geographic region like in the US it would be Blacks, Hispanics, Asians etc. in the United States white are the Dominic group.

Class in the United States or three classes upper-class, middle-class, and lower-class. …show more content…

People that have the resources will exploit the resources to control others. One example to me is like gasoline is the resource you just don’t find anywhere you have to go to specific places to get it and this resource can be prized depending on the supplies left. If I use this as functionalism people find resources like electric cars to use to transport themselves instead of combustible engines cars.

Some of the labels that I’ve learned with time in society of certain races. Every Hispanic person in the United States is an illegal alien. Which is that entirely true. Another one is young men are lazy and quit their job. Which is not truth because that is the stereo typical label that they get. There’s a company near my house that doesn’t hire young men especially if they’re on the 23. They hired so many that don’t work at an excellent rate, so they learned that they rather not waste their time. Then again you can’t judge a couple of people that went in there and messed it up for everybody else.

Will you react to different people in different situations just because of the customs that they are known for? Like in the Hispanic cultures you don’t look at an older woman in eyes if you don’t know them because it is a sign of disrespect to your elders. Depending on ethnicity of the people that you hang around with you but that your culture to theirs to fit

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