Cost Of College Education Essay

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Did you know that the average cost of college is only $22,000 a year?
The demand for higher education is becoming more prevalent in today's society. Decades ago, a college education was looked past and was not in high demand, unlike the spike researchers have seen in recent decades. This increase in demand is creating a price flux as well. Due to the fact that many of us don't have the free-flowing funds like Bill Gates, it is making the cost of college seem out of reach and ultimately feel like it's not worth it. Dating far back to the 1900’s, university costs resulted in just a few grand. However, in today’s society, the cost of college is higher and students feel they cannot afford this expensive price tag without even trying. At the same time, the job force is becoming more refined and a good paying job is requiring a college education. In result, students are finding false information displaying that a ‘trade’ job is the way to go and using such data to end their life by not receiving a college education. Students are being raised to believe that college is …show more content…

Wouldn't it be so much more amazing to be able to not have to worry about paying off student loans on a monthly basis? Wouldn't it be better to be able to live the life you want the second you get your degree? Well if the answer to those questions is yes, which I am sure it was, then you have nothing to hesitate about because graduating debt free is very doable amongst students. I was truly unaware of how many students actually graduate debt free until recent studies by CNBC proves that 30% of college graduate student’s graduate debt free. This is vastly reassuring, it demonstrates how out of the 19.8 million students that walk across the stage as a college graduate yearly, over 8.2 million graduate without having to pay a cent more after that sensational day of knowing you are a college graduate. This could be

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