Is College Still Worth The Debt Analysis

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We all remember those days, where college is engrained into every student’s mind as a necessity for a happy and successful future financial life. But is that true? Do you need a college education in order to live that happy and successful life that all students dream of having? While you don’t need a college education to succeed, we see that those with a college education have a greater advantage. The price of college is validated through a drastically lower unemployment rate, higher annual earnings, and the quality of life a majority of college graduates live.
A common misconception about college is the actual price of college. Many perceive the cost of college to be far out of reach for the average budget of many citizens in the middle-class. However, many do not consider the cost with scholarships, grants, or even going to a community college. For example, the average tuition for a four year public college was $8,890. However, after applying average aid coverage, the price was reduced to $3,120 (“Special Report: Is College Still Worth the Debt?”). Many people would simply look at the nine thousand dollar price tag, and neglect the aid that can significantly reduce the price. …show more content…

On average, the annual cost of a two year community college in your district is approximately $3,500 (“College Board”). So with this, if you complete two years of community college instead of the university, you can save approximately $11,000 dollars if you attend a four year public university (“Benefits of Attending Community College for Two Years to Save Money“ 2009). If a student takes advantage of this opportunity, instead of paying approximately $36,000 dollars, you will pay $25,000 for that four year public university. Keep in mind that price is also not accounting for any scholarships, grants, or other forms of

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