Cost Of College Essay

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The cost of college has been pretty high these past couple of years. 65% of the students in the U.S go to college after graduating high school. Not all get to graduate from a college or a university. Only about 56% of the students get to graduate college. Tuition is only a part of college that you need to pay for. You’ll need to pay for housing, food, leisure, textbooks, and supplies.

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30% of students dropout of college their first year. 57% of students get awarded financial aid, and those are undergraduates, and 34% take money from federal loans. The cost of college is high, because you need to pay for tuition, housing, food, leisure, textbooks, and supplies that you need, but there are some benefits if you go, like you can get better choices for a job, and get better lifetime earnings.

The least important thing you have to worry about in college is housing, food, leisure, and textbooks. Textbooks can cost you up to like $200-300. The cost of textbooks rose 82%, nearly three times more than the rate of tuition. In total, you spend at least $1,200 …show more content…

You also have housing, food, leisure, textbooks, and supplies. 30% of students drop out during their first year of college. Instead of paying for college with the money you earned, you can get financial aid to help pay for college. College tuition in-state is around $9,410 and out-of-state is about $$23,893. College costs a lot because you need to pay for housing, food, leisure,textbooks, tuition, supplies, and sometimes a little more if you are going to a college that is out of the state, but there is benefits if you go, if you go to college and get an education, it is more likely that you will get a good, well paying job, and you get more choices in careers and better lifetime earnings. Tuition is one of the biggest thing that people don’t want to pay for in 2015. The cost of tuition is pretty high for people that can’t afford it, but that’s the reason why people don’t go to