Racism Exposed In 'Brownies'

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Relations between white and black have been fought with injustice for many decades. The story “Brownies” is filled with amusement, but it also has a purpose and a very important theme. As we all know the civil rights movement to have taken place and 1950’s-1960’s and government policies were put in place to remove the racist and prejudice actions from mankind. Racism still is in occurrence all around the world today. Racism has established a negative and mistrustful attitude that towards many races, particularly whites and African Americans. In the world, racism has a more different approach, it has become more modernized vs the old slavery days. In the story “Brownies” young black girls at the scout camp immediately felt threaten by a white …show more content…

They knew as fourth graders that skin color white is considered as “privileged” and that dark skin color was not. Cruelty is amongst the girls in the story “Brownies”, and is a big issue in the story. Some of the author’s choice of words illustrates the on-going racial tension between the two groups of girls. It is told in a child’s outlook and usually children form options based on parent’s beliefs. The girls seem to make fun of the white girls, calling them names and making jealously remarks toward them. You can tell that the young girls are unware of race/prejudice as they used the word “Caucasian” as a …show more content…

That opens the readers eyes to the unfairness and injustice experienced still today by society. Now the brownies feel superior and have the power over the troop 909 girls because of their mental status. Packer’s way of teaching the readers that prejudice is learned and it is unnecessary, I feel is genius. As the story dealt with many racial segregation and hostility issues, the reader could notice the racial segregation at the beginning of the story. There were only all white troops and all black troops, no mixing or other races. Would you consider that segregating? The fact the whites stuck together and the blacks stuck together, no making friendships or mixing of the two. Sounds like segregation to