Racism In Huckleberry Finn Research Paper

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In the 1930’s, millions of Germans led by Hitler were brainwashed to believe that the Jews were evil and should be killed and ignored. Most of the German citizens taught to do these hateful things were everyday people, who minds had been changed by society. However, Germany was not the only country that discriminated against a certain group of people. America was once faced with the same problem and people’s moral rights and society’s beliefs were two very different things. This problem that Americans battled what was morally correct vs what society told them to do was slavery. From before the civil war and years after, blacks were considered below citizens and even lower than servants (Weinberg, 13). Often times, it was very common to turn …show more content…

In the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain shows us that racism goes deeper than just the hearts of the slave-owners but into the hearts of everyday citizens, white and blacks alike. Throughout The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain shows how common racism is in society by providing characters that are very against blacks at the time. A term is used throughout the novel that is very demeaning to blacks nowadays. The word “nigger” is used and was very common during Mark Twain’s time. By making the word so common in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark twain is showing how common racism and the belief of it were at the time (Chadwick-Joshua, 5). The fact that almost every character in the novel says the word shows how evens those who claimed not to be racist still showed signs of racism. While there are many characters in the novel, one the first racist characters is Huck’s father. During one part of the novel, Huck’s father is complaining about the fact that there is a mixed-raced man who is not only educated, but also able to vote. “When they told me there was a state there was a state in this country where’d they let that nigger vote, I drawed out,” (Twain, Huckleberry Finn, 38). Huck’s father also was upset when a mixed-race man didn’t more out of his