Racism In 'Black Livesmaker And Alllivesmatter'

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Racism is an issue which is often addressed when talking about ethnic groups, minorities and immigrants. People who are oppressed, left out or hurt because of their race or ethnicity are victims of racism. However, this action is mainly associated with black people being racially abused by white people and white people are often called out for having white privilege. This issue has been popular ever since there is racial and ethnic diversity, but after groups such as ‘BlackLivesMatter’ and ‘AllLivesMatter’ were founded more people joined the discussion on racial abuse and white privilege. Both the ‘BlackLivesMatter’ and ‘AllLivesMatter’ campaigns were formed after the shooting of a black civilian, Michael Brown, by a white cop in Ferguson …show more content…

This is shown as they state “putting a black man in charge of a mostly white department that serves a town where African Americans make up two-thirds of the residents.”. The emphasis on the race of the department creates a negative connotation towards the department as they are compared to the race of the residents. This comparison creates a feeling of an unequal situation within the city, instead of focusing if the man is the most suitable person for the job the writer refers to his race as creating a balance. Even though the race should not be important, the writer mentions it as if it is. Another quote which reflects the different races is “Ferguson’s leadership was mostly white at the time of Brown’s death. But the new city manager, municipal judge and police chief are all black men. The city has also begun an effort to recruit more black officers to its department.”. This quote creates a positive connotation to the fact that more black men are being appointed. This is done by the use of but, which proposes a change in the situation. By juxtaposing the death of Brown and the assignation of black people in power the writer tries to create a positive feeling towards the black people as the death of Michael Brown is already negative. By stating that the new men in power are all black in addition with its positive connotation the writer rules out any other type of choice to be the right …show more content…

This unequality can be seen as there are seven paragraphs describing the life of the newly appointed police chief, one paragraph discussing one black candidate and one paragraph describing three white candidates. The lack of information on the white candidates and the abundance of information on the black candidates creates a difference in representation. This oppresses the white candidates and creates an illusion of the black candidates being more suitable for the job as the reader knows more about these