Racism In Toni Morrison's Song Of Solomon

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More than thirty years after its release, Toni Morrison’s novel, Song of Solomon, still affects society. Every time anyone reads her tale of Milkman, Guitar and her other characters, new speculations are created as readers try to comprehend the main idea of the novel. Through all the shifts and turns of the many characters in Song of Solomon, some readers contemplate that the novel’s main focus is on financial segregation of characters, referencing characters such as the middle class Milkman and lower class Guitar, while other readers define the novel as a cultural reflection of racism in the United States, detailing the racism that is put on display several times throughout the novel. Ralph Story, one of many readers, chooses to see the novel as a critique of early 20th century society which adopts the “seven days” group as a link to actual groups that were present during the time. …show more content…

Using this group, Morrison, as Story asserts in his article, is able to compare the two characters of her novel, Milkman and Guitar, who differ as Milkman is middle class and does not highly regard racial situations, while Guitar is a lower class member of the seven