Racism Is The Worst Kind Of Prejudice Essay

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There are several different types of prejudices, or prejudgments. Racism is the worst kind of prejudice. To judge people negatively based on the color of their skin is ignorant. A person cannot decide their skin color. One might say that because I am a woman I should be against sexism, however, there are women of every race. Besides, women do not have it as bad as some would like you to believe, not in this country.
Still others might say that because I am a Christian I should be more upset about my religious rights being taken away, although there are many countries that have no religious rights, yet there are Christians in those countries. Taking my rights from me will not take Christ from me or my passion to share the Gospel with the lost, besides there are Christians of all races.
Racism is still a problem in this country, it is in every country. I do not think that it will ever go away completely because people will always want to feel superior to others so they use their differences to decide who is better. People are sinful and rebellious and racism is a sin issue. The Bible says, “Can an Ethiopian change his skin or a leopard its spots?” (Jeremiah 13:23). Martin Luther King, Jr., not long after his “I Have a …show more content…

People twist Scripture, “The Bible says to treat others the way they treat you”. I promptly tell them to find that verse in the Bible for me. When they bother to try to find it they are usually shocked when they read it to me and find that Luke 6:31 says, “Do to others as you would have them do to you”, which means treat others the way you would like to be treated, not the way you are treated. I believe that this attitude is why the divorce rate is so high. I further believe that this is the result of the church body’s failure to obey the final command of Jesus to “make

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