Racial Discrimination Research Paper

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Racism Segregation:
England does not only face socio-economic, ethnic and political segregation yet also there is segregation in racism. On one hand, the conservative party has a bit of white superiority above the aboriginals and the people of non-white color. According to the conservative party in Britain, white people have the priority to be employed and receive a higher income than the non-white people. This was the main reason why the British people have preferred the Labor party to represent them as long as they are sure that the party will help them receive all their rights without having to deal with discrimination and racism. On the other hand, the segregation in racism has also led to the massive hatred between the two parties and …show more content…

This difficult dilemma makes it a test case for how rich countries should deal with a surplus immigrant population. The remarkable increase in the immigrants in Spain has stimulated a debate about the consequences, they had to deal with:
1. the effects of immigration on native employment
2. the wage gap between immigrant and native workers
3. and the assimilation of immigrants in the labor market
4. the effects of immigration on the welfare state
Yet, research on the quantification of the occupational segregation of immigrant workers in the Spanish labor market barely exists, regardless of the importance of the influence of segregation between instinctive and foreign workers in explaining their remuneration gap (Simón et al., 2008). The literature on occupational segregation has mainly focused on segregation by gender, whereas nationality/race has received less attention, especially in Spain. There are several reasons, however, for inconsistencies between the numbers of immigrant and native workers across occupations. To start with, the job opportunities for recently arrived immigrants are likely to depend on refugee networks, which may encourage and increase their attentiveness