
Radicalization Definition

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Radicalization can be defined “as the process whereby people become extremists,” (Neumann 874) this definition means that radicalization is a process that happens over a period of time involving different factors however the term extremist allows for ambiguity within the definition. Extremism can hold several different meanings, descripting ideology, politics, and actions. Radicalization as a definition is hard to agree upon what it truly entails due to both the context and normative issues. When looking at the world ‘radical’ alone it doesn’t hold a meaning, it’s meaning is based off “what is seen as ‘mainstream’ in any given society, section of society or period of time,” (Neumann 876). Due to the vagueness of the word, radical is not always …show more content…

While both are forms of radicalism the processing of each are different. A personal can be cognitively radicalized in their thoughts and ideas and not act out through them, just like a person can be radicalized through their behavior yet cognitively not be. If radicalization implies a movement of direction with the support or enacting of radical behavior how does one describe behavioral radicalization. (Kruglanski 70). If you were to think about radical behaviors you could come up with a list of behaviors “[such as] substance abuse, severe rime, eating disorders, self-immolation, suicide and so on” (Krunglanski 70) amongst those terrorism is included. All of those behaviors undermine goals that matter to the majority of the population that leads to great consequences and destruction. Radicalized behavior stems from the actions of being, those actions determine how radical someone is and how they are judged based off it. Cognitive radicalization however, are the ideas one has but doesn’t act upon. One can be cognitively radical, by having the ideology that fits outside the social norm of acceptance or through the agreeance of terrorism however, does nothing with it. The difference between both behavioral radicalization and cognitive radicalization is the way one goes about perpetrating the act. While you can be radicalized behaviorally by burning down a school in the name of the …show more content…

Some become radicals for the sense of belonging and brotherhood like Maajid Nawaz, explained in his book Radical., Nawaz while growing up was already different from the others at his school due to his ethnicity and skin the being told that “AIDS is your fault” (Nawaz 13), by another child (who was once his friend) during AIDS epidemic. While the B-boys were not a terrorist group, Nawaz showed interest in them the way some view terrorist organizations; a development of loyalty. Another attended a Salafi mosque, with little knowledge in Islam or political consciousness, and felt a connection to the mosque due to the ability to feel a connection with those who attended. “The initial appeal of the mosque was therefore not its political or social message, but rather its capacity to instill in Interview ‘C’ a sense of belonging.” (Ilardi 721). Interview “C” like Nawaz felt a sense of belonging which contributed to their radicalization process. Unlike both Nawaz and Interview “C”, one Canadian radical who was interviewed rejected the idea of the Canadian dream due to the fact he didn’t want to be subjected to becoming a “slave to the system” (Ilardi 718). Those with troubled pasts, are influenced by radicalization due to the severing of relations with close families and friends. Political grievances are also a cause for people to start the radicalization process. By becoming radicalized it gave an exclusivity

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