Railroad Towns Research Paper

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10. Plague. The railroad towns were filthy and in horrible conditions many diseases spread throughout the Railroad towns. Cholera was a main one as many rats would find themselves in the unprotected water supply infecting it with Cholera and many other diseases. Smallpox was another big danger in the old west. This was truly a fear on everyone's mind as water was scarce so when it was abundant it wouldn’t be for long.

9. Murder. Staying on topic of number ten, the railroad towns were filthy and even more dangerous. One wrong move can get you shot or gunned down. Say you're the one shooting. Murder was tried by death and trials back then were extremely hard to fight against unless you had money. This was basically the old west scene where cowboys had guns and shoot outs and duels where everyday riots. Also take in effect of racial inequality which I will get into soon.

8. Building. …show more content…

Falling to your death. Not so much of an issue for the Union Pacific but for the Central pacific the majority of their time was spent on the mountains. Unexperienced to these heights the Chinese workers would often fall in large numbers due to avalanches or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

3. Racial Wars.
The railroad was built by multiple cultures including Irish, African Americans, Americans, British, Germans, Scottish, Welsh, and many more alike so if you mess with one guy there are plenty to back him up which often led to brawls or sometimes gunfights.

2. TNT Malfunctions.
Both sides had a fair use of TNT. Paired with inexperienced workers this led to disaster and more deaths than expected.

Indian Wars.
The railroad was a big threat for indians so when they were faced with this they took up arms and bows. Many attacks and battles where had until military protection was granted leading to the death of an uncountable amount of people and to add the the fear rituals would be taken out where everyone could see making this a truly justified