
Ralph Waldo Emerson's Greatest Accomplishments

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“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment”. these were the words of author Ralph Waldo Emerson, do you agree and if so then what makes you believe this bold statement. This indeed is the greatest accomplishment anyone could ever achieve, to be able to avoid temptations and new trends set by those around you and to be able to walk down your own individual path is worth much more than any worldly possession.

Think about a world in which everyone looked exactly the same everything on everyone’s face and body was exactly the same, the only thing that you could use to differentiate is the clothes on their bodies and their personalities. Now think back to how the world is now if the world were like the one just envisioned would most individuals be able to tell each other apart? In school when someone is walking next to over a thousand students would anyone be able to tell its them just by the clothes they wear and their personality? If this were the world we lived in the statement made previously by author Ralph Waldo Emerson stating that individualism is the greatest accomplishment, would be the goal that people would strive for to be able to be your own person not mistaken for another. …show more content…

In some countries people are forced to partake in certain jobs and are also forced to wear certain clothes that may not even enjoy wearing. Thats why living in America is such a privilege we get to pick and choose what we eat style one’s hair anyway they like and dress however they want, but people still choose to follow others trends other people's hair styles down to even what someone else may wear all this in spite of the fact that we can choose to be what we want to

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