Ralph Waldorado By Edgar Allan Poe

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Background to ¨Eldorado¨ The Poet Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote ¨it's not the destination it’s the Journey¨. This is the lesson that the main character learns in the poem ¨Eldorado¨. Eldorado is about a knight on the search for the city of gold or ¨Eldorado¨. The background of the gold rush and how that caused the emotion to make Poe write the poem will be explained all in the paper. The gold rush was a big event that was happening in this time period. Poe´s feelings influences in this work and all the other works that Poe has written, and how they both tie together. The analysis of the poem ¨Eldorado¨ by Edgar Allan Poe and the background in which it was written. Your intro is very confusing. Please redo this and follow the …show more content…

The knight rides through towns looking for the city and asking for help to find it along the way. He gets help from a shadow who tells him what he looks for. When he gets finished the journey he was tried from the long Journey. The whole poem has to do with how Poe felt during this time period.
The reaction that Poe had was based on the people who were traveling west to seek for the Eldorado. Eldorado means the city of gold which was the reason the travelers went west to California. The time of the poem was written before Poe’s death where he was in self- doubt and this caused him to think that traveling to seek for the something that gave them hope and something to look forward to. Poe was using the poem to search for his own happiness. The travelers are summed up into one person in the poem and that causes …show more content…

Symbolism, background, and Poe’s reaction to the time period was seen a lot thought out the poem. This is still the modern world we’re everyone is competing and trying to find all of the new technology much like the knight trying to find the gold.
Works Cited
¨Eldorado a poem analyisi¨. Shadow of Iris, https://www.shadowofiris.com/eldorado-edgar-allan-poe-poem-analysis/ . Accessed 12 Jan.

Poe, Edgar Allan. "Eldorado." Works of Edgar Allan Poe -- Volume 5, 3/1/2006, pp. 90-91. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lfh&AN=22480248&site=lrc-live.

Sova, Dawn B. “"Eldorado"” Critical Companion to Edgar Allan Poe, Facts On File, 2007. Bloom's Literature, online.infobase.com/HRC/Search/Details/14470?q=In%20search%20of%20Eldorado.

Zayed, Georges. "The Symbolism of the Poems." Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism, edited by Lynn M. Zott, vol. 117, Gale, 2003. Literature Resource Center, http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/H1420047287/LitRC?u=will19450&sid=LitRC&xid=c7c543e7. Accessed 10 Jan. 2018. Originally published in The Genius of Edgar Allan Poe, Schenkman Publishing, 1985, pp.