Ramon Pane And Bartolome De Las Casas Analysis

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At the beginning of the 1600's the new world was just being discovered. Europeans had never seen a culture like that of the natives. They hardly wore any clothes, and they worshipped nature. It was very astonishing to the Europeans. Upon hearing of this Spanish friars were sent to convert the natives. Two of these friars named Ramon Pané and Bartolome de las Casas documented their experiences, in the world and with the natives. A Dutch painter by the name of Theodore de Bry who never visited the new world drew four pictures depicting the Spaniard's experiences in the new world. Through the eyes of Pane, Las Casas, and De Bry we are able to get a glimpse of the new world. Pane seemed to think he was above the natives. Throughout his letter, he constantly uses words such as they, these, …show more content…

After leaving the chapel those [Indian] men threw the images to the ground, heaped earth on them, and pissed on top, saying, “Now will you yield good and abundant fruit”; they offered this insult because they had buried the images in a tilled field. Seeing this, the lads who watched over the chapel ran to their elders, who were in the fields, and told them that Guarionex’s people had desecrated the images and had jeered at them. The Indians immediately left what they were doing and ran crying to tell what had happened to Don Bartholomew Columbus, then governing for his brother [Christopher Columbus,] the Admiral, who had sailed for Castile. As the viceroy's lieutenant and governor of the islands, he brought those wicked men to trial, and their crime having been established, he caused them to be publicly burned at the stake. (Pané) He calls it a miracle that the Spaniards captured some of the natives and burned them. The next sentence goes on to talk about how the natives continued evilly killing the Spanish. He portrays the relationship with a lot of anger and bitterness on both