Native Americans Dbq Analysis

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The relationships between the three major settlers and the Native Americans differed in many ways. All the evidence needed is in the seven documents shown. Each of the documents provides insight to one of the three nationalities. It is fair to assume that the English were focused more on friendship, the Spanish set their eyes on the gold, and the French were insistent on converting the Native Americans to Christianity. Though they may have been cruel to their enemies, the natives were very kind and friendly towards the English colonizers, as stated in Document One. When they first saw the English praying, however, they began to laugh. Many believe this to be the main cause of the end of English efforts to convert the Native Americans to Christianity. Whether they were Christians or not, the government saw natives as uncivilized until they conformed to English culture. After they began to become "civilized," the government saw them as their friends. Unfortunately, the citizens saw them more as their own little play-things to manipulate and poke fun at for their own personal enjoyment. This was rather an unwise decision for the citizens, considering the English had armed the natives and taught them to properly use a musket, according to …show more content…

They often killed and robbed several natives for their gold, as Document Six tells us. They were incredibly greedy, and wanted wealth and riches, as opposed to friendship and peace. Their cruelty grew so terrible that the Native Americans they tormented became afraid of the word "Christian," as the Spanish plunderers called themselves as such. Document Six was written by a Spaniard calling for reform. Document Seven displays Native American life as if it were quaint and quiet. It raises the question of how the Spanish viewed the natives: as people standing in the way of their gold, or fascinating and interesting people with rich culture and