Rap Music Misogynist Analysis

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In the entertainment industry under the category of music, in the article, it is said that ‘music is a reflection of the cultural and political environment from which it is born. Rap music emerged as an aesthetic cultural expression or urban African American youth in the Bronx, New York, in the late 1970s.’ (Adams & Fuller, 2006). This essay will be discussing Adams and Fuller’s (2006) analysis of how African American women are portrayed in rap music, the social impact it has in society.
Rap music, in the African American community, has always been a way of expressing how the feel and deal with various issues surrounding their environment such as violence, thoughts and ideas involving race and most importantly rapping about misogyny. Rap music …show more content…

The connection between misogyny, racial and gender has been evident and a contribution to the misogynistic rap culture that is today. In history, men have always been seen as the ‘dominant’ out of both genders, which shapes and shifts the mindsets of many men. Naturally, through this process of thinking, men believe that they have power over women, believing that women are less superior to themselves in through various cultures and society as a whole. This ideology has managed to give men power to oppress women of colour, the poor and women as a whole for many years, which makes men believe that they have ‘the right’ to disrespect women. In the African American community, in the rap culture, misogyny has been racialized, making the ideology a black issue. This ideology has ‘had a profound effect on the inner psyche of African Americans as the ideology feeds off of not only hatred of women but also hatred towards Blackness, which serves as a two-edged sword.’ (Adams & Fuller, 2006). ‘The sexist, misogynist, patriarchal ways of thinking and behaving that are glorifies in gangsta rap are a reflection of the prevailing values in our society, values created and sustained by white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.’ (Adams & Fuller, 2006). In …show more content…

This essay has proven that African American women have a long way to go in terms of being viewed differently in