
Rashbam Research Paper

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Hello and welcome to news channel 6’s 8 o'clock news, I’m Deandre Adams, Here with a special member of Bnai Yisrael, Shalom Rosenbaum! Hello, it's a pleasure to be here. So, Shalom, we have a bit of a controversial situation going on right now, what can you tell me about that? Well, right now miriam has been punished, because she said lashon hara about Moshe. Wow. Thats crazy. Ya. Shalom, do you know what miriam was talking about? Ya. Moshe a long time ago, spent 40 years in cush, while i was there, he supposedly married the queen of cush. However, that marriage was just in name. So what did Miriam say? Miriam and Aharon thought that Moshe had actually married the queen, and They wanted to know why Moshe had married her. Miriam …show more content…

He is the grandson of the famous commentator Rashi. In his commentaries, Rashbam is known to be very heave pshat based, sometimes arguing with his grandfather who was very into midrash. In his commentary to the pasuk וַתְּדַבֵּר מִרְיָם וְאַהֲרֹן בְּמשֶׁה עַל אֹדוֹת הָאִשָּׁה הַכֻּשִׁית אֲשֶׁר לָקָח כִּי אִשָּׁה כֻשִׁית לָקָח: Here, Rashbam does indeed argue with Rashi and goes for a more pshat based answer. He asks what the words Esha Cushit mean. Rashbam, contrary to his grandfather, thinks that moshe actually married a cushite woman. In this particular commentary, Rashbam does infact bring in a midrash to help. The midrash says that before moshe went to question pharaoh in the passover story, he had lived in cush for 40 years. Rashban adds that moshe had become well liked among the people, and had eventually married the queen of cush just in name. He states that miriam was wondering why moshe thought that he could just marry a queen. She didn't know however, that the marriage was in name only. Rashbam comment here supports the text fully. I like this commentary because is it mostly pshat based but does bring in a little midrash. I like the balance between the

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