Raskolnikov's Guilt In Crime And Punishment

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Raskolnikov could not deal with the guilt, he felt like he had to confess to someone, therefore he opened up to Sonia and told her what her had done. Sonia begged Raskolnikov to confess to the authorities what he had done. Sonia was very religious and she believed anything could happen with help from God. She gave Raskolnikov a crossed and asked him to “cross [himself] and say at least one prayer” ( Dostoyevsky 470). The cross would allow Raskolnikov to earn forgiveness from God and Sonia. With the forgiveness of God and Sonia he felt as if he could leave in peace knowing Sonia was still there. As he left he recalled Sonia telling him that he should go to the crossroads, kiss the grounds where he had sinned and say out loud “I am a murderer”