Rathe Caffeine Analysis

791 Words4 Pages

The style and tone of the writer determine whether anybody chooses to read the piece, and if they do, if the readers feel offended or interested or bored. Before beginning to write, every writer first decides what idea he or she is hoping to convey. This idea determines the voice of the writer, whether it is offensive or interesting or boring. The number of possible tones is too high to count; there are as many kinds of tones as there are topics on which to write. Some people just do not care about their health. Although a lot of studies have been done to prove the terrible effects caffeine has on the human body, American citizens still take in a disgusting amount of caffeine every day. Do people today really care so little about themselves, or are they just plain stupid and unaware of the disaster they are wreaking on their own bodies? Caffeine is really just a poison that energizes you for a little while. An argument written in a belligerent style offends readers and causes them to stop reading, …show more content…

Those who consume vast quantities of caffeine often suffer from insomnia and increased blood pressure, which causes numerous other issues. Hypertension is often unnoticeable in its earliest stages, but if it is allowed to continue, it inflicts damage to the body; in some cases, high blood pressure is even known to instigate fatal heart attacks. If such a fate can be averted by merely avoiding caffeine, abstinence certainly appears to be the simpler, and preferable, route. Everyone has read papers written in an elitist tone, the tone that implies the writer is far superior to the reader because the writer is fluent in the application of sententious vernacular. In using an overly-sophisticated tone, the writer turns away many readers who are unable to understand the meaning of too many words to bother pulling out a dictionary and struggle through the translation into everyday