The Raven Short Story

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Enapay perched himself on a rock at the mouth of the cave that jutted over the scrub grasslands of the white man’s grave yard and studied the flight of the ravens before him. This was not the first time he had done this, as he loved to watch them sweep across the sky in their dizzying patterns and listen to their sharp caws projecting back and forth to each other. One swooped in front of him and he called out to it. “Great day, Kangee! You look magnificent this morning! Your feathers are darker than the pitch of night, yet they shine and gleam like the glint of a knife !” The raven turned abruptly and flew past him again. “I delight in the way you cut through the sky like a warriors arrow and soar with the freedom of the winds! …show more content…

He opened his eyes and found himself transformed to a raven and he was midflight! When he shouted for joy, instead of hearing his voice, he heard a loud caw instead. Floating, diving and spinning through the air, he felt as one with the wind. He looked down and viewed the beauty of the desert plains for miles around him. The cave became visable and flew towards it. He was stunned to see himself exit the cave and wave at him. He flew down, landing on the grave marker that Mapiya had landed on earlier. He tried to cry out, but cawing was all that he could do. “Hello, Enapay! Are you enjoying being a Raven?” This person before him gave him a broad smile. “Good! I’m going to enjoy being human again. I thought I’d never find someone to take my place. But once I felt your longing, I knew you would be the one to set me free. Thank you! Oh, don’t worry, as long as you can remember that procedure for the transformation and find someone to take your place like I did, you’ll be able to be human again. It only took me a hundred and five years. The raven before me said it took him much longer. So, you’ll have a long life and lots of time to enjoy being the raven you always wanted to be. I will certainly enjoy being you! Now shoo, raven