Reaction About Perfume

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The movie “Perfume: The Story of a Murderer” was released on December 27, 2006 in United States of America, and was released here in the Philippines on October 17, 2007. A horror fiction and mystery film directed by Tom Tykwer, cinematography by Frank Gierbe, narrated by John Hurt and was an award winning movie recognized by European Film and German Film award. It was based on the novel that was originally published on year 1985, written by Patrick Suskind, a German playwright. This story was the first medieval setting movie that I love because of the enigma within the thinking of the lead character, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille. Most of the people cannot understand him because he lacks of social skills which I probably can relate to him. I cannot even make a proper conversation with someone, leaving them thinking that I just wanna end talking with them. He leads a life by just following the trail of scents he smells, because he possessed an extraordinary olfactory sense that can smell up to the last cell of every matter. As he grew older, he noticed that aside from his ability to disintegrate the smells, he also noticed that he has absolutely no scent of his own. Perfume: The Story of a Murderer starts in en medias res or it started somewhere in the middle or at the end of the film. By this technique you will start wondering “what happened to him before he was sentenced to death?”, “who are his victims?”, “why does he kill?”. You will clearly hear