Reaganomics: The Cause Of The Recession Of 1980

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1980 Election This was a political event because it caused a change in the government. Americans wanted a firm, patriotic leader who had a plan to fix the economic problems carrying over from the 1970s. Jimmy Carter was running for reelection, and Americans overall were not happy with his leadership, then Ronald Reagan became his challenger. He had great public skills and a plan he thought would work. Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980 and began working on a controversial plan for fixing the U.S. economy that was later called “Reaganomics.” The Recession Economic The cause of the recession was due to a decrease in the rate of inflation that was adopted by the Federal Reserve. The U.S. economy entered a recession that was the …show more content…

The mission was to nourish and defend freedom and democracy. The Reagan Doctrine was closely associated with the foreign policy of President Reagan and his administration and it continued into the administration of his successor, George H. W. Bush. Reagan Doctrine soon faded from U.S. policy as the Cold War began to end. Reagonomics Economics During his campaign, Ronald Reagan announced a recipe to fix the nation’s economy. Reagan proposed a phased 30% tax cut for the first three years of his Presidency. The bulk of the cut would be concentrated at the upper income levels. The national debt tripled from one to three trillion dollars during the Reagan Years. The conservatives in Congress wanted a balanced budget amendment, but none of the branches had the discipline to propose or enact a balanced budget. Sandra Day O’Connor Political President Reagan wanted to appoint a woman to the supreme court. She was considered to be a moderate conservative who voted in line with her politically conservative nature. She opposed reversing Roe V. Wade Her vote was the deciding factor to uphold the earlier court’s …show more content…

Due to freezing temperatures, the rubber rings that sealed the fuel boosters became brittle, allowing gas to escape. This lead to a rupture in the liquid hydrogen tank. On January 28, 1986 the space shuttle Challenger was launched and 73 seconds into the flight, it exploded. The event was captured on live television around the country. It was carrying a teacher who would become the first teacher to go into space. Following this disaster, President Reagan appointed a commission to find out the cause of the explosion. It was later learned that the company that designed the rocket boosters and NASA managers ignored warnings about potential design problems. After this was discovered, this lead to an overhaul of NASA's management structure and the design of the