Real Life Sucks: College Admissions

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Real Life Sucks

(College Admissions: Financial Planning)

College is scary and stressful, even without looking at the financial aspect of it all. Your whole life is about to change drastically and if you don't like change, that is extremely scary. Your surroundings will completely change, the people you live with will change, your daily routine will change, and much more. Many things are going to change and getting used to that change is going to be hard enough without even looking at the costs of college. College is expensive in today's world, and most people cannot pay for college directly out of their pocket. Many students rely on academic or athletic scholarships, instate tuitions, student loans, or financial aid to get them …show more content…

God knows that every college student will be broke and will still need to eat. With the rising costs of food, this is an issue. For a student like me, who likes to eat healthy, it is a very large issue. Healthy foods are expensive and I will be extremely broke when I go to college. Yes, Ramen Noodles are only about $0.50 per package, but those are not healthy in any way, shape, or form. It's funny how there is the statement that freshmen will gain the freshmen fifteen in weight, but I find it semi hard to believe that you can gain that much money off barely eating because you're broke, but yet again if you're eating Ramen Noodle's every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner then I guess it makes complete sense. Some other necessities that will require the use of money would be going to the movies, sports events, concerts, and fun things like that. I cannot go to college and stay in my dorm room and never do anything fun all the time because I am worried about money. College is not only a time to learn, it is also a time to have fun and let loose a little bit. But not too much. More costs would be buying clothing, makeup, shower necessities, and other things like that. There are many costs that I never knew existed because my mom always took care of them and now that I am getting ready to ship off to college in less than nine months, I am starting to produce grey …show more content…

It's going to be a very large change and I will have to change my ways to save money and minimize my spending. There are many ways that I will have to watch my expenses such as planning out a budget. By doing this I can determine how much I will spend on food each month, entertainment such as concerts and activities, and gas. I will have to stick to the budget or else it will not work. I can also be successful in graduating college in good financial standing by making sure that I apply for all the scholarships that I possibly can, getting the best grades that I can, and by saving up as much money as I am able to before I leave. By doing these things I can cut the costs that I will have to spend out of pocket to pay for my school. There isn't going to be any way that I can avoid paying any money out of pocket but every little thing helps. Financial aid will be a big help and I don't plan on taking out a student loan unless I absolutely have to. I don't want to start my life being in a large amount of debt and spending the next however many years of my life paying off a loan. Especially a loan that could have been prevented if I would have planned earlier and been more prepared for college life. No matter