Reality In Plato's Allegory Of The Cave

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In the analogy that Plato presents to us, “Allegory of the Cave”, Plato believes that a realm of Forms exists for every imperfect and changing object and idea in the material world. These Forms are perfect and unchanging, making them a source of knowledge (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). I do find Plato’s image of a realm of Forms compelling as an understanding of reality. Let us example Plato’s Allegory of the Cave closely to help justify my reasoning for my argument. The people chained inside the cave represent individuals that have not been exposed to “reality” or the ideal world. The shadows that were portrayed inside of the cave represent material objects, and the objects outside of the cave, such as the tree for example, represent the form of that physical object. I myself represent one of the chained prisoners in the cave. If you think deeply about it, we are all still living under a cave. There may not be a cave physically over us, but in terms of reality, mentally speaking, we are all trapped inside of …show more content…

Non-metaphysical science is limited because it does not reveal the causal nexus and connection between things. It only shows the effect. Non-metaphysical science does not explore the reasons why certain things are as they are or why certain activities happen. Non-metaphysical science is founded on two inconclusive truths. It is based on logic from principles and theories and empirical knowledge from human senses. In essence, non-metaphysical sciences are two-fold; prior or absolute knowledge and knowledge from observation and experiments (Persson 165-181). Theories can be mistaken, are often inconclusive and therefore are not factual. Most tenets of scientific theories are assumptions, hypotheses, and postulations. On the other hand, the human senses are deceptive representations of the mind and are also incomplete. As such, they cannot be trusted to provide accurate information in experiments and