Reality In The South Essay

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Reality. There are many ways we can interpret this seven lettered word. We can interpret this as our existence in this universe or lifetime. Or it can be anything that we would want it to be. “The ability to imagine things that are not real, The ability to form a picture in your mind of something that you have not seen or experienced.” (Merriam-Webster). Now our imagination is anything we want it to be. Some people say that our if your imagination is strong enough it could do anything you want it to. Sometimes our imagination is so strong it could become our reality. Now the question is where does our imagination and reality meet? Does our reality end at our imagination or do they overlap? Well in the story the “The South” by Jorge Luis Borges …show more content…

He steps off the train and walks to a nearby general store where he notices an older man and thought to himself that the old man “seemed outside time, situated in eternity.” (The South 3). He also uses the book as a way to escape reality after he is his with a breadcrumb in paragraph 8 of the “The South”. (Borges). After he is hit by a breadcrumb again he confronts the group of men that are harassing him. One of the men produces a knife, but Dahlmann doesn’t have a knife and he doesn’t know how to use it. Then the old man, who was alone in the corner tosses Dahlmann a blade. Knowing that Dahlmann couldn’t use the knife he thought to himself that if he died at least he would die an “honorable” (The South Wiki 1) death and not one of humiliation like the one he almost had during his stay at the hospital. After the conflict Dahlmann and the old man walk out of the general store and into the night. Now at the end of the story it hints toward Dahlmann dieing in the hospital. “With this in mind, one may well reinterpret the story such that all that follows Dahlmann’s darkest moments in the hospital is a narration of his idealized death-the one Juan Dahlmann fabricates and enacts in his feverish mind, whilst upon the verge of a pathetic death in the hospital he never left, in order to redeem him of his actual and pitiful death and regain a measure of honor and self-respect in his last moments …show more content…

Have you ever seen something that was there but then the next second it wasn’t? Have you ever had a weird dream where you imagine all of these crazy things just floating around with weird shapes and forms, rotating or moving at an odd angle that isn’t just humanly possible? Well it turns out that when we have these types of experiences during the day or night our brain has the same patterns as people with schizophrenia. Don’t be scared though once you wake up from your dream it automatically shuts off. But people with schizophrenia can’t automatically shut this feature off so during the day they still see these weird things around them but they aren’t really there. So someone could be seeing bigfoot eating a hotdog or see a leprechaun driving a car or even imagine themselves with super powers. Some people like to dub our nightly dreaming sessions as our “Nightly Madness.” (10 Ways...Intersect