Reasoned Action Theory

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This theory is founded on the premises that human behavior is a consequence of intellectual thinking. Reasoned Action Theory deals with the relationship among 1) Beliefs 2) Attitudes 3) Intentions 4) Behaviors. The main contribution of the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) is the proposition that attitude does not determine behavior directly; instead attitude is seen as one of two antecedent factors, attitudes and subjective norms, that determine intention, which in turn determines behavior (Ajzen and Madden, 1986). The utmost vital determinant of a person's behavior is behavior intent. The individual's intention to perform a behavior is a combination of attitude toward performing the behavior and subjective norm or subjective beliefs. The individual's …show more content…

First, water is a renewable resource that plays a crucial role in encouraging women attitude to water conservation at householder level. Secondly, the result of water conservation is often not immediately apparent. Thirdly, the quality of water changes in terms of salinity, organic content, color, and the different seasons, while other energy sources often have uniform quality. Fourthly, water is considered to be a relatively inexpensive resource of unlimited quantity. Finally, most people have little awareness of the amount of water they use or where the greatest waste might be occurring. Therefore the different perceptions of water influence attitudes toward water conservation and …show more content…

Conversely the perception that others waste natural resources may lead to decreased effort in one's own environmental conservation or vice versa (Corral-Verdugo & Frias-Armenta, 2007). This indicates that people develop subjective norm or normative belief from the action and attitudes they perceived in other individuals. Normally, people do search for social support for their actions. Thus, social referents that support possible environmental behavior are likely to be crucial determinants of that behavior. The subjective norm may affect social behavior including pro-conservation action (Corral-Verdugo & Frias-Armenta, 2007). For instance, if mother in the household uses optimal water for cleaning, it might affect the attitude of daughter to follow suit her mother. If this is true, the effect of the significant others on attitude formation should not be ignored when developing new strategies to promote conservation. In the field of pro-environmental behavior the awareness and knowledge about natural water resources problems are an essential perceptive pre-requirement for developing the intention to conserve behavior (Bamberg & Moser, 2007). There is a notion that in order to change the water conservation behavior, more water sources knowledge and information needs to be