Reasoned Action Theory

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Theory of Reasoned Action is a model for prediction of behavioral intention spanning prediction of attitudes and normative beliefs (Southey, 2011; Pai & Huang, 2011). This theory has been used by researchers to technology adoption studies (Southey, 2011). The theory has developed by Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen (1975, 1980). Sadeghi and Farokhian (2011) stated, according to this theory, attitudes toward the behavior and subjective norms influence individual’s intent to adopt an innovation. Following equation shows clearly the association of these two factors.

Behavioral intention = Attitude + Subjective norms

Subsequently, individual intention to perform the behavior determines person’s behavior. Further it explains as “the attitude toward …show more content…

In 1985, the concept of TPB was proposed by Icek Ajzen to improve the predictive power of the theory of reasoned action by including perceived behavioral controls (Pai & Huang, 2011). Southey (2011) posits that literature is replete with research which has used the theory of planned behavior. Further argue that this theory can be used to assess the individual’s decision on behavior. TPB is the “one of most widely used models in explaining and predicting individual behavioral intention and acceptance of information technology” (Sadeghi & Farokhian, 2011). Further, they describe “TPB is an attitude-intention-behavior model which posits that an individual’s behavior is determined by perceived behavioral control and intention. This theory assumes that human actions are influenced by three kinds of beliefs. Behavioral beliefs are about likely outcome of behavior and normative beliefs represent expectation of others while control beliefs correspond for facilitating and impeding factors. TPB helps to understand how people’s behaviors are influenced by different forces. There can be identified two types of behavior namely deliberate and planned. This theory envisages people’s deliberate behavior. An attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control determine intention”. TPB postulates that individual’s attitude towards a particular task influence their intention to execute the …show more content…

• It does not account for other variables that factor into behavioral intention and motivation such as fear, threat, mood or past