Should The Death Penalty Be Abolished

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A little short history Capital punishment has existed in all times and in almost all cultures. It has probably evolved from the ancient sacrificial rites, where people sacrificed to the gods. In Europe, received the death penalty widespread in the Middle Ages. They wanted to deter people from committing crimes and the death penalty was a very common punishment for most crimes. One could get the death penalty for stealing a piece of bread or said something stupid about the king. During the 1400s when witch trial took off in Europe, many innocent women accused of being witches and executed the raw, often by burning at the stake. Executions grew to become something almost festive village residents could watch. It was not until the late 1700s that people began to question the death penalty thoroughly. It was then laid the foundations of abolitionist movement (efforts to abolish the death penalty). But not until the late 1800s, things began to happen to abolish the death penalty in 1900, three countries abolished the death penalty, today, 100 years later, over half of the world made it. Sweden abolished the death penalty in 1921 and the last execution was implemented in 1910. Nowadays is China, the US, Iran, and Saudi Arabia for the majority of executions. Various methods …show more content…

There I took up at the beginning of the paragraph "Arguments for the Death Penalty" on page 2. Those who are against the death penalty is an argument against this. If you look at the US example that retains the death penalty as one sees you it's actually here as it occurs most crimes. That the death penalty would be a deterrent mean those who are against the death penalty is wrong. They say that those who commit the most serious crimes do not think that they can be caught, nor on what punishment they can get. Often, the ill people who commit crimes, and those can hardly execute? They may not even know that they have killed