
Reciprocity In Native Americans

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1. Paleo-Indians Paleo-Indians are described as the initial Americans, those who set forth the preliminaries of Native American culture. They trekked in bands of around fifteen to fifty individuals, around definite hunting terrains, establishing traditional gender roles of hunter-gatherers. It is agreed that such Paleo-Indians began inhabiting America after the final Ice Age, and that by 1300 B.C.E. human communities had expanded to the point of residing in multiple parts of North America. As these early Native Americans spread out, their sites ranged anywhere from northern Canada to Monte Verde, Chile. These groups sought after stability by going after food sources and ways to advance their small societies in this new hemisphere which they were oblivious to having entered. The Paleo-Indians strived in a semi-nomadic lifestyle where reciprocity was practiced.
2. Reciprocity The concept of reciprocity follows the guidelines of shared profit, and among the earliest Native Americans provided a system of exchange. The encounters between communities that involved reciprocity allowed a development in the lives of said communities that surpassed that of minimalist tribes. Reciprocity was an enduring idea, and remained crucial despite massive differences exhibited by native peoples over the course of time. Such trade benefitted all societies, enabling the simplistic exchange of goods and philosophies that aided in advancement for all Indians. The intention of reciprocity
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